Set up a Control Tower using WebXpress digital solution to integrate movement of all vehicles. Control Tower is tightly Integrated with Transportation solution to combine shipment and trip data with telematics and predict delays, alert deviations form norm.
- Reduce your time to market with ready to use Control Tower
- Plug-and-play connection with 30 plus IoT partners, thus minimum set-up time
- IoT vendor neutral solution thus ensuring highest level of SLA for your operations
- TMS integrated to focus on Shipment level SLA
- Automated Alerts requires minimum operating team
- Prevention is better than cure: Dynamic Delay Measurement to alert on potential supply chain failures
Key Features
- Plug and Play Integration: Pre-integration with 25+GPS and 3+ SIM partners
- TMS/ERP Integration: Ready APIs to get Trip level data from TMS or ERP to combine with Vehicle data
- Shipment Tracking: Vehicle data extrapolated to each shipment, thus providing real time visibility
- Dynamic Prediction: Predict delivery time based on current location and destination of vehicle. Compare with standard route data and predict delay
- Delay Ageing: Check how delayed are vehicles based on hours of delay
- Geo-fence management: Geo-fence creation and update to create virtual map of all stakeholder locations
- Safety Control: Control on night driving, speed limit zones, unsafe location halts
- Trip Track: Trace every trip and check idle time, deviations, over speeding
- Automated Alerts: Set rules for alerts for vehicle halt, route deviations, speeding, driver SOS.
- Ticketing system: Ticket generation for every alert and auto escalation based on response time
- IoT Monitoring: Monitor vehicle sensors and IoT devices such as temperature sensors, driver behaviour camera, alcohol sensors, sleep alerts and raise Alert on Control Tower
- Mobile App access: Take your control tower anywhere using a Mobile App
- Device Monitoring: Monitor GPS and SIM devices across partners to ensure continuous data stream. Alert in case of data failure to partners